I am really loving these frogmouths, a type of Aussie owl. I am currently painting some furniture and decorating it with these awesome birds. Photos of the furniture as it progresses.
I came across this article on the Paupered Chef website while searching for places to buy Vihno Verde, a Portuguese table wine that is slightly effervescent and usually citrusy. The writer seems knowledgable and is funny. here is the site: http://thepauperedchef.com/2006/07/the_wines_you_s.html image of wines courtesy of (I'm assuming,) the author, Jesse Kupferman
This is one of two pages of "records" of the bands that will (eventually-once the CD is mastered) be featured in the Best of Bop Street compilation CD. I created all of the artwork and design for this compilation and am excited to see it in print.